Are you an employer interested in recruiting staff or in obtaining business related services to expand your company?
Contact our Business Services Team at (732) 240-5995, ext 5610 to learn more how the OC Career Center could help you!
Ocean County PIC. Inc. is a vital source to area businesses. In partnership with the Ocean County Workforce Development Board (WDB), the Business Services team outreaches to local businesses to assist with their Human Resource needs including recruiting qualified workers, accessing industry and labor market information, and navigating State programs and services. The Business Services team serves as a single point of contact whether a company is already in business, just starting out, or expanding. Services include:
Job Placements : Companies who wish to hire employees can contact our Business Services team to help companies find, screen and recruit qualified candidates.
On-the-Job Training: OJT grants are valuable tools to help employers train new employees that are matched for a position and helps defer the cost of the training. OJT Funding pays up to 50% of the employee wage up to a maximum of $10,000 as determined in a contract with the employer.
New Jersey Career Connections For Businesses ... Employers can find job candidates on this website
The State of New Jersey has officially launched the Business Portal Website – a newly redesigned online one-stop shop for all business activities in New Jersey. The site can be found at, and is also accessible on the State of New Jersey home page by clicking on the "Business" tab.
Ocean County PIC, Inc.
Located at the Ocean County Career Center,
1959 Route 9, Toms River, New Jersey 08755 Phone: 732-240-5995 Fax: 732-349-5627
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 4pm Map & Directions Map & Directions Disclaimer