Are you looking for a job or need to update your skills?
Ocean County PIC, Inc., located at the Ocean County Career Center, is a full service career center for individuals seeking career services. Ocean County PIC serves a broad range of customers in need of workplace readiness skills and industry valued credentials. Special programs are available to assist veterans, seniors, youth, individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged workers and dislocated workers.
For more information about our career services, please see Getting Starting.
Also please visit: OceanCountyCareerCenter, NJ Career Connections For Job Seekers and One Stop Career Centers
Ocean County PIC, Inc
Located at the Ocean County Career Center
1959 Route 9, Toms River, New Jersey 08755
Phone: 732-240-5995 Fax: 732-349-5627 Email:
OFFICE OPEN: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4pm
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