Providing Career & Training Services to Residents of Ocean County
Discover New Career Opportunities

Getting Started
When a customer is referred to our organization or expresses interest in our services, our program assistants take the lead in managing the inquiry process. They assess the customer’s needs and either guide them to our business services staff for job placement assistance or schedule them for an orientation/information session.
Should a customer be directed to business services, our dedicated team steps in and collaborates closely with the customer to get an understanding of their job search goals and needs. They extend their support to aid the customer in their job search efforts and works with them on refreshing their personal brand and developing effective marketing strategies for employment. If, during this collaboration, it becomes apparent that additional training or upskilling could be beneficial, the business services team will refer the customer back to the program assistants to schedule them for an orientation/information session.
Our orientation is a comprehensive information session that outlines the array of services our organization offers with a primary focus on achieving employment success. The orientation/information session is offered virtually and customers can participate remotely or come to the office to utilize computers if they do not have access. During the orientation/information session the customers will be introduced to various websites that can assist with job search, career exploration, and community resources. In addition, customers will gain an understanding of the application and eligibility process for WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) funded grants and other grant opportunities.
Following the orientation/information session, the customers will be referred based on their interests. All customers can access our free services including job placement assistance. Customers who are interested in job placement assistance will be referred to our business services team to work with them on obtaining employment. Customers interested in occupational skills training will be required to complete an application and submit eligibility documentation to our program assistant to assess for WIOA eligibility and other grant opportunities. Our program assistant will email a secure portal link to complete the application and to submit eligibility documentation. If you prefer to complete the application and provide the eligibility documentation in person, you can schedule an appointment with the program assistant.
Once eligibility is determined customers will be assigned to work with one of our experienced case managers who will reach out to schedule a convenient time for an Employment First Evaluation. All appointments with our staff can be scheduled virtually or in person. The Employment First Evaluation is designed to get an understanding of our customers unique needs and education and career goals; case managers will also assist in addressing any barriers to employment the customer may be facing. In addition to the Employment First Evaluation, our case managers will provide resources and guidance to assist the customer with career exploration to identify an appropriate career pathway. Customers who do not have a college degree will also be required to take a basic skills assessment. Based on the Employment First Evaluation, career exploration, and basic skills assessment; the case manager will determine approval for the desired career pathway or training program. If approved, the case manager will guide the customer through the process of identifying and accessing occupational skills training programs for their desired occupation or career pathway. Our case managers will provide continued support and guidance throughout our customers training journey to ensure their success.
Upon completion of a training program our case managers will continue to assist our customers in their job search efforts and refer to our dedicated Business Services team for job placement assistance or on the job training opportunities that align with their newly acquired skills and career aspirations.
For more information, please contact us at:
732-240-5995 x 5634/5601 or email us at oceancountypic.org@gmail.com