Congratulations to the Ocean County Achievement Center Graduates!
Youth Career Opportunity Program
The Youth Career Opportunity Program provides Ocean County’s young adults, ages 16-24, a safe & friendly environment where
they can learn and explore career and training opportunities. Ocean County PIC’s youth case management staff provides
youth customers the opportunity to participate in career & training services such as, information session, orientation, career
exploration and training grants (must meet WIOA eligibility requirements). Staff also assists with communication and
interviewing skills, resume development, job matching, job placement assistance, workshops, career expos and recruitment
events. Our case managers connect our young adults with community resources and other workforce opportunities. The youth
programs, WRAP (Work Readiness Assistance Program) and HYPE (Helping Youth Prepare for
Employment) services are delivered in person or virtually and include:
High School completion
Work experience and employment opportunities
Career training in demand occupations with credentials
Post-secondary education
Education & workplace mentoring
Financial literacy
Leadership development, including community service projects
Career and life skills guidance and counseling
Referral to community partner agencies
Ocean County Achievement Center
The Ocean County Achievement Center is a collaborative partnership with Ocean County College, Ocean County PIC, Inc., Georgian
Court University, and Goodwill’s Helms Academy. The Ocean County Achievement Center is hosted on OCC’s campus and
provides free comprehensive and individualized services to out-of-school young adults and adults. The services will address
academic, career, and financial goals. Services are provided by various community partners to engage young adults and adults in
educational programs, integrated education training, career exploration, work readiness training, internships, on-the-job
learning, leadership development, job placement, adult mentoring, and work experience opportunities. Various funding sources
provide young adults (16-24) and adults with comprehensive services to gain career-decision-making tools, and to prepare
for their next steps in education and employment. https://www.ocean.edu/ocean-county-achievement-center/
For more information, contact us at:
732-240-5995 x 5602 or oceancountypic.org@gmail.com
Ocean County PIC, Inc
Located at the Ocean County Career Center
1959 Route 9, Toms River, New Jersey 08755
Phone: 732-240-5995 Fax: 732-349-5627 Email: oceancountypic.org@gmail.com
OFFICE OPEN: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4pm
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